We have you covered to keep you on the road
Get added protection for your purchase with our optional Silver, Gold or Platinum service contracts covering unexpected major mechanical repairs. Plus receive Good Sam® roadside assistance and Auto Integrate oil changes with the purchase of a service contract.
*Based on the purchase price of the vehicle.
When you purchase a quality, used vehicle from us, you’ll have the option of purchasing a limited service contract. Our Service Contract Plus covers most major mechanical failures.
Here’s what you need to know
Our Service Contract Plus comes in multiple package levels, made for you, whatever your situation.
12 Months/12,000 Miles/1 Year **
- Service Contract Repairs
- 2 Auto Integrate Oil Changes
- 1-Year Membership to Good Sam®
24 Months/24,000 Miles/2 Years **
- Service Contract Repairs
- 4 Auto Integrate Oil Changes
- 2-Year Membership to Good Sam®
36 Months/36,000 Miles/3 Years **
- Service Contract Repairs
- 7 Auto Integrate Oil Changes
- 3-Year Membership to Good Sam®
* Package availability based upon purchase price of the vehicle. Service Contract Plus is not offered in the state of Illinois.
** Whichever occurs first – miles or months.
- A list of covered parts and repairs are included in your service contract agreement.
- Repairs must be authorized by Car-Mart in advance prior to having a repair made.
- You must provide Car-Mart with a written repair diagnostic for authorization.
- Availability based on purchase price of the vehicle.
- Not available in Illinois.
Helping customers like you
“My experience with Car-Mart has been absolutely the best. [I] got a good deal and when it needed a repair, it was done within just a few days to get me back on the road! Amazing customer service and services department. Thank you… for keeping me on the road!”

Kayla T.
Car-Mart of Fort Smith

Service Contract Plus Oil Change Partners

Need an oil change? Find one of our Auto Integrate local partners near you.
Be sure to mention that your Auto Integrate ID is ‘America’s Car-Mart.’
* Select locations only. For a complete list of in-network oil change partners please contact Customer CARE at 866-819-9944.
Service Contract Plus Roadside Assistance Partner

Need a tow or got a flat tire? Call 1 (866) 250-5883 to request roadside services. Be ready to provide your membership number.
- Towing Service
- Flat Tire Service
- Battery Jumpstart
- Emergency Fuel Delivery
(Up to 5 gallons – Member responsible for cost of fuel)
- Locksmith Service
- Membership Card
Benefits and services provided by Americas Road & Travel Club, Inc. for Members residing in Alaska, Alabama, Utah, and Virginia; and by Affinity Road & Travel Club, LLC for Members residing in all other states. Note: All program benefits are subject to limitations set forth in the current Member Benefit Brochure which can be found at https://roadside.goodsam.com/brochures

Have more questions?
How do I know which Service Contract Plus package is available to me?
The available Service Contract Plus package is based on the purchase price of the vehicle purchased.
If I experience a mechanical issue, how do I know what is covered under the Service Contract Plus program?
Please review your Service Contract Plus agreement provided at the close of the sale for details on covered repairs, limitations and exclusions. You may also contact your local Car-Mart dealership or Customer C.A.R.E at (866) 819-9944 for more details.
Who do I contact if I have a mechanical issue that is covered under the Service Contract Plus, I purchased?
Immediately contact a member of Car-Mart management at the dealership where you purchased your vehicle or Customer C.A.R.E at (866) 819-9944
How do I file a Service Contract Plus claim?
First, you may contact Car-Mart management at your local dealership or Customer C.A.R.E. at 866.819.9944. Next, take your vehicle to your local Car-Mart dealership and provide a diagnostic report listing the mechanical issues.
What is my out of pocket cost for submitting a claim?
There is no cost for submitting a claim.
What is my out of pocket cost for an approved Service Contract Plus claim?
A $75 deductible applies to each approved Service Contract Plus claim.
Can I extend my Service Contract Plus term at any time?
The Service Contract Plus term may not be extended after purchase.
What if I sell, trade or total my vehicle before the Service Contract Plus term expires?
If you sell, trade or total your vehicle before your agreement term expires, then Car-Mart will issue a credit towards your account for a pro-rated balance.
Oil Change
How many miles can I drive before I need an oil change?
Please reference the manufacturers service guidelines. Most vehicles using conventional oil requires an oil change every 3,000 to 5,000 miles and 5,000 to 10,000 miles for vehicles using synthetic oil.
How do I find out how many oil changes I have remaining on my service contract?
Please call Customer C.A.R.E at 1-866-819-9944 for remaining vehicle oil changes
Where can I go for an oil change?
A complete list of in-network oil change providers is available on car-mart.com or call Customer C.A.R.E at 1-866-819-9944. Be sure to mention that your Auto Integrate ID is ‘America’s Car-Mart.’
Good Sam Roadside Assistance
What information will I receive from Good Sam?
You will receive a Good Sam membership kit that includes the following:
- Membership ID card including Membership number
- Link to Platinum+ Auto Member Benefit Brochure – Terms and Conditions outlined included services. Print out and keep in your vehicle.
- Toll-Free numbers
How long does it take to get the Good Sam membership kit?
There are two ways to receive your Good Sam membership kit. The first way is through the U.S. Postal Service. Please allow 7 to 14 days for receipt. If a valid email address was provided, then please allow 24 to 48 hours.
Who do I call for roadside assistance?
You may call Good Sam Roadside Assistance at 1-866-250-5883 for assistance.
What days and hours will Good Sam Roadside Assistance be available?
Good Sam Roadside Assistance is available 24/7, 365 days out of the year.
Does my Good Sam Roadside Assistance apply to other vehicles?
Your Good Sam Roadside Assistance only applies to your vehicle purchased from Car-Mart.
How far will they tow my vehicle?
Your vehicle will be towed to the closest certified mechanic. If you choose to have your vehicle towed to a location beyond the designated point, the cost incurred will be the responsibility of the vehicle owner. Please refer to your Good Sam Roadside Assistance terms and conditions.
How many times may I use my roadside assistance?
Your Good Sam Roadside Assistance is unlimited for the life of the Service Contract Plus term as long as your use complies with Good Sam Roadside terms and conditions. This benefit is not intended to be used in lieu of routine maintenance or needed repairs on your vehicle.
Still have questions? We’re here to help. Chat with us or call (866) 819-9944.